Tuesday 27 April 2010

Julian Opie In The Guardian

I found this article about Julian Opie on The Guardian online website. It is one of the few articles I could find on him. The rest of his work and interviews are mainly in Youtube format. I suppose it is better for him that way as he is much more visual than vocal with his methods

'The highlight is Wayne McGregor's Infra, created in 2008 and looking just as compelling second time around. It's staged with a dazzling ­simplicity: Julian Opie's neon figures track briskly across a city walkway while the ­dancers beneath evoke an inner world of ­mystery and turmoil. The choreography confirms McGregor as a master of ­contemporary ballet. There is a meticulousness in his approach that gives every split-second twist and torque of the body a ­burnished clarity. And he elicits ­transforming performances from his dancers. Eric Underwood is stretched and curved to an iridescent fluency. Sarah Lamb, as a woman approaching ­emotional ­meltdown, ­articulates her state through an infinitely subtle quality of dyspraxic, unhinged slipperiness.'

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