Tuesday 27 April 2010


Julian Opie's style of animation is a form of rotoscoping. Therefore, I took the time to look at different types of rotoscoping on youtube for comparison. If I am going to attempt a short animtion in his style, I want to be able to have full knowledge of rotoscoping in general. I have done some rotoscoping in the past, however, it was distorting film stills rather than redrawing them as seen below:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffeVkTNqxEw (The Figure) I animated my friend into a monster via rotoscoping.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1pRb0VELxU&feature=related (ROTOSCOPIA) A short animation by somebody else. It has a nice pencil scribbled effect. Practically, I'm not sure I'd be able to use it in my test piece but I like it just the same.

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